< User:IhaveahaxThis is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.
- Alternate Exploits
- Brick
- Checking SD card integrity
- Checking SD card integrity/Linux
- Checking SD card integrity/Mac
- Checking SD card integrity/Mac/legacy
- Checking SD card integrity/Windows
- Checkpoint
- Copyright infringement
- Custom firmware
- Custom themes
- Downgrading
- Editing the home menu
- File Extensions on Windows
- Formatting an SD card
- Formatting an SD card/Linux
- Formatting an SD card/Mac
- Formatting an SD card/Windows
- Formatting an SD card/Windows/en
- Game dumping
- Get support
- Get support/en
- Get support/es
- Glossary
- Main Page
- Minecraft
- Ninfs
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo 3DS and Wii U online shutdown and homebrew FAQ
- Nintendo Switch
- Open unsigned applications on macOS Sequoia
- Plugins
- Pretendo Network
- RetroArch
- RiiTag
- Rverse
- SD Clean
- SD Clean/Linux
- SD Clean/Mac
- SD Clean/Windows
- Things to do
- Wii
- Wii U
- 3DS:2DSaver
- 3DS:3DSBank
- 3DS:3DShell
- 3DS:3ds essential dumper
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/3dsropxploitinjector (basehaxx)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/BannerBomb3
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Dumping movable.sed (nimhax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (freakyhax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (ninjhax2-dx)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (smilehax-IIe)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (smilehax-IIe)/JPN
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Homebrew Launcher (steelhax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (2xrsa)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (3dsropxploitinjector-USM)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (Frogtool)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (Frogtool-nimhax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (MSET)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (MSET9)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (Stealth Luma3DS)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (fasthax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (freakyhax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (nimdsphax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (petit-compwner)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (udsploit)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Installing boot9strap (uloader)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Preparing menuhax67 (3dsropxploitinjector)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Preparing menuhax67 (Kartminer7)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/Preparing menuhax67 (kartdlphax)
- 3DS:Alternate Exploits/menuhax67
- 3DS:Anemone3DS
- 3DS:Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- 3DS:Arm9loaderhax
- 3DS:BAX/makebax
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3/Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3/Installing boot9strap (USM)
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3/Installing menuhax67
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3/Preparation
- 3DS:Bannerbomb3/Preparing menuhax67
- 3DS:Black screen unbrick
- 3DS:Bmbt3DS
- 3DS:Boot9strap
- 3DS:BootROM 8046 screen
- 3DS:CTRTransfer
- 3DS:CTRTransfer/Manual
- 3DS:Cheat usage
- 3DS:Check local IP address
- 3DS:Checkpoint/Troubleshooting
- 3DS:Cleaninty
- 3DS:Ctr-httpwn
- 3DS:Ctrcheck
- 3DS:Custom badges
- 3DS:Custom themes
- 3DS:Custom themes/creation
- 3DS:DS games
- 3DS:DS mode unbrick
- 3DS:Dump system files
- 3DS:Dump titles and game cartridges
- 3DS:Editing the HOME Menu
- 3DS:EmuNAND and RedNAND
- 3DS:Emulators
- 3DS:Error codes
- 3DS:Error screens
- 3DS:Error screens/Luma3DS ErrDisp
- 3DS:Error screens/Luma3DS exception screen
- 3DS:Export saves
- 3DS:Faketik
- 3DS:Fastboot3DS
- 3DS:Fastboot3DS/Usage
- 3DS:Fastboot3DS to boot9strap
- 3DS:Fixing corrupted games
- 3DS:Flashcarts
- 3DS:FourthTube
- 3DS:GBA games
- 3DS:Game modification
- 3DS:Game plugins
- 3DS:Game plugins/3GX
- 3DS:Game plugins/NTR
- 3DS:GodMode9
- 3DS:GodMode9/GM9Megascript
- 3DS:GodMode9/Usage
- 3DS:Hardware test
- 3DS:Input redirection
- 3DS:Installing software
- 3DS:Is it safe to update?
- 3DS:JPN Browser Filter
- 3DS:Keyboard Unbrick
- 3DS:Luma3DS
- 3DS:Luma3DS/Configuration
- 3DS:Luma3DS/PIN lock
- 3DS:Luma3DS/Rosalina
- 3DS:Luma3DS forks
- 3DS:Luma3DS to boot9strap
- 3DS:MSET9 fresh
- 3DS:Mario Kart 7
- 3DS:Mario Kart 7/CTGP-7
- 3DS:Menuhax
- 3DS:Migrate from menuhax
- 3DS:Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition
- 3DS:Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition/Custom Skins
- 3DS:Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition/Import Worlds
- 3DS:ModMoon
- 3DS:Movable Moveover
- 3DS:Movable Moveover/Manual
- 3DS:Move EmuNAND
- 3DS:Moving SD Cards
- 3DS:Moving SD Cards/en
- 3DS:NetPass
- 3DS:NotifyMii
- 3DS:Ntrboot
- 3DS:Ntrboot/usage
- 3DS:Open agb firm
- 3DS:Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
- 3DS:Pokémon Sun and Moon
- 3DS:Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- 3DS:Pokémon X and Y
- 3DS:RTC black screen bug
- 3DS:Randomizing Pokémon
- 3DS:Rebuild Title Database
- 3DS:Recover movable.sed
- 3DS:Rehid
- 3DS:Remove Parental Controls
- 3DS:Remove Shiny Lock
- 3DS:Remove outlines in Pokémon games
- 3DS:RetroArch
- 3DS:RxTools
- 3DS:SD Card
- 3DS:Safe Mode
- 3DS:SatellaZone
- 3DS:Save-data-copy-tool
- 3DS:Save Data Transfer Tool
- 3DS:Seedminer
- 3DS:Seedminer/BFM
- 3DS:Seedminer/Manual mining
- 3DS:Seedminer/Mii mining
- 3DS:Setting game locales
- 3DS:Setting game locales/Extended locale setting
- 3DS:Sonic Decompilations
- 3DS:Soundhax
- 3DS:Splash screens
- 3DS:StreetPass Mii Plaza
- 3DS:Super-skaterhax files
- 3DS:System Transfer
- 3DS:System Transfer/Target has CFW
- 3DS:System Transfer/Target is stock
- 3DS:System files
- 3DS:TWLSaveTool
- 3DS:Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure
- 3DS:Things to do
- 3DS:ThirdTube
- 3DS:Time Travelers
- 3DS:Tomodachi Life
- 3DS:Troubleshooting
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/Finalizing Setup (Manual)
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/Fix NVRAM
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/WinError 234
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/manually entering homebrew launcher
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/multiple ID0
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/multiple ID1
- 3DS:Troubleshooting/removing menuhax67
- 3DS:Uninstalling software
- 3DS:Universal-Updater
- 3DS:Version Table
- 3DS:Virtual Console
- 3DS:Virtual Console/Extraction
- 3DS:Where is the CFW?
- 3DS:Why not to remove custom firmware
- 3DS:WifiManager
- 3DS:Wireless streaming
- 3DS:Wireless streaming/HzMod
- 3DS:Wumiibo
Wii U
- Wii U:Alternate Exploits
- Wii U:Alternate Exploits/Bluubomb
- Wii U:Alternate Exploits/Bluubomb/Setup
- Wii U:Alternate Exploits/DNSpresso
- Wii U:Alternate Exploits/UDPIH
- Wii U:Aroma
- Wii U:Bloopair
- Wii U:Check local IP address
- Wii U:Common Issues and Fixes
- Wii U:Common Issues and Fixes/FAQ
- Wii U:Custom themes
- Wii U:Dump Games
- Wii U:Dump Wii Games
- Wii U:Error Codes
- Wii U:FTP
- Wii U:Fix error code 112-1037
- Wii U:GameCube games
- Wii U:Hardmod unbrick
- Wii U:Haxchi
- Wii U:How to remove NNIDs
- Wii U:ISFShax
- Wii U:Mario Kart 8
- Wii U:Minecraft: Wii U Edition
- Wii U:Mocha CFW
- Wii U:Moving from Tiramisu to Aroma
- Wii U:Recover a vWii IOS or Channel
- Wii U:Region Changing
- Wii U:SDCafiine
- Wii U:SaveMii WUT Port
- Wii U:Splatoon
- Wii U:Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
- Wii U:Things to do
- Wii U:Tiramisu
- Wii U:VC Extract
- Wii U:Wii games
- Wii U:Wupclient
- Wii U:YouTube
- Wii:Animal Crossing City Folk
- Wii:Banner Unbrick
- Wii:Cdbackup
- Wii:Cheats
- Wii:Custom themes
- Wii:Dump Games
- Wii:Emulators
- Wii:FTP
- Wii:FriishProduce
- Wii:GBA Link Cable Usage
- Wii:Hardmod unbrick
- Wii:Managing GCN Save Files
- Wii:Mario Kart Wii
- Wii:Mario Kart Wii/CTGP Revolution
- Wii:Mario Kart Wii/Retro Rewind
- Wii:New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Wii:New Super Mario Bros. Wii/Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Wii:Nintendont
- Wii:Open Shop Channel
- Wii:RSSMii
- Wii:Riivolution
- Wii:SaveGame ManagerGX
- Wii:Super Smash Bros Brawl
- Wii:Super Smash Bros Brawl/Project Plus
- Wii:Things to do
- Wii:Transferring Game Saves
- Wii:WW-43db-patcher
- Wii:WiiLink
- Wii:Wii Backup Manager
- Wii:Wiimmfi