< User:Ihaveahax
Revision as of 23:31, 22 December 2024 by ShinyTillDawn (talk | contribs) (Updated the names of the MSET9 files.)
This page lists all files and folders that might be found on a 3DS' SD card, along with their uses.
File Name | Usage |
arm9loaderhax.bin | The payload chainloaded by arm9loaderhax. |
boot.firm | The firmware chainloaded by boot9strap and 3DS:fastboot3DS, usually Luma3DS. |
boot.3dsx | Usually the Homebrew Launcher, which is loaded both by exploits and by Luma3DS' Homebrew Launcher Loader. |
BOOT.NDS/boot.nds | When all uppercase, a payload for TWiLightMenu++. When all lowercase, usually the B9STool payload that is used in the frogtool/fredtool exploit. |
essentials.exefs | A backup of all unique system files. Initially created by GodMode9. |
movable.sed | The encryption key for all data inside the sd:/Nintendo 3DS folder. Required for various exploits that modify apps/games' savedata.
safeb9sinstaller.bin | Boot9strap installer. Identical to the .firm version other than its format. |
Folder Name | Usage |
_nds | Created automatically by TWiLightMenu++ to store the payloads, data, and config needed for it to play DS games. |
_gba | Created automatically by TWiLightMenu++ to store the config needed for it to play GBA games. |
3ds | Contains all .3dsx homebrew applications and their files.
badges | Used to install custom badges via GYTB. |
CTGP-7 | Contains all data and config for CTGP-7. |
DCIM | Contains all photos/videos/screenshots taken by the stock firmware, such as in Nintendo 3DS Camera. |
gm9 | Contains scripts and exported files for GodMode9. |
luma | Contains configuration for Luma3DS, as well as additional payloads and custom game patches and files. |
Nintendo 3DS | Contains all digital games/their save files, extra data, DSiWare exports, and the installed theme(s). |
plugin | Contains all .plg plugin files for use with BootNTR. |
roms | Optionally created by TWiLightMenu++ to store game ROMs. |
Exploit-Specific Files/Folders
File/Folder Name | Usage |
boot9strap | Contains the boot9strap firm and a hash of it, for use in SafeB9SInstaller. |
browserhax_hblauncher_ropbin_payload.bin | The payload for super-skaterhax. |
otherapp.bin | Usually the payload for *hax/universal-otherapp, depending on the specific system version and exploit. |
arm11code.bin | Usually the payload for browser exploits. Exact contents will depend on the specific system version and exploit. |
Soundhax-<region>-<model>-<version>.m4a | The exploited sound file for Soundhax. The <region>, <model>, and <version> in the name are replaced with the values matching the specific console. |
mset9-macOS.command | The script file for the mset9 exploit. mset9-macOS.command is for macOS, while mset9-Windows.bat is for Windows. |
mset9-Windows.bat |