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Revision as of 04:27, 21 June 2022 by Ihaveahax (talk | contribs) (try switching to h2 tags to prevent auto-collapsing on mobile)

Hello! We're still figuring things out. In the mean time:

This wiki contains various guides and resources on how to use homebrew on your Nintendo consoles.
Our specialty is the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch.
We have 279 articles since June 2022.

Homebrew and custom firmware (CFW)

Homebrew refers to games, apps, and utilities produced by hobbyists for proprietary video game consoles which are not intended to be user-programmable. These homebrew apps can include save editing tools, emulators, cheats, and more.

Custom firmware (often abbreviated as "CFW") enables you to use more advanced hacks that homebrew alone can't do. For example, installing games, apps, or game modifications. CFW is similar to "administrator access" on a computer: it allows you to do anything that the device is physically capable of doing, rather than being limited by whatever the manufacturer allows you to do.


The latest version is 11.17.0-50.
The latest version is 5.5.6.
The latest version is 18.0.1.
The latest version is 4.3.