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Page translation

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Pages proposed for translation

This page contains text with translation tags, but no version of this page is currently marked for translation.

  1. Wii U:Recover a vWii IOS or Channel

Pages with pending changes

These pages have changes not marked for translation.

  1. Get support
  2. Hacks Guide Wiki:Sandbox/Translatable
  3. 3DS:Moving SD Cards

Pages in translation

The latest version of each of these pages has been marked for translation.

  1. Formatting an SD card/Windows
  2. Hacks Guide Wiki:About
  3. Hacks Guide Wiki:Disallowed content
  4. Template:Archived online shutdown
  5. Template:Namespace uses Approved Revs
  6. Template:System version outdated article/issuetext
  7. Template:System version outdated article/text
  8. Template:WinRAR notice