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save-data-copy-tool is a save game utility used to move save data between digital and cartridge games.


  • Download the latest release
  • Copy save-data-copy-tool.3dsx to the /3ds/ folder on your SD Card


  • Open the application through The Homebrew Launcher. Ensure you read the warnings at the top.
  • Press A to continue, B or START to exit.
  • After pressing A, you are given two options: GAMECARD to DIGITAL (X) , or DIGITAL to GAMECARD (Y).
    • GAMECARD to DIGITAL will copy the save game from the cartridge to the digital copy, overwriting the digital save.
    • DIGITAL to GAMECARD will copy the save game from the digital copy to the cartridge, overwriting the cartridge save.
  • Press the button of choice, and the application will copy the save data.
  • Once you are finished, press B until you reach The Homebrew Launcher.