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Seedminer, with three implementations known as BFM (Bruteforce Movable), Manual Mining, and Mii Mining, is a process used to find a 3DS family system's movable.sed, (the system-unique encryption key) and is used in the majority of CFW installation methods. If interested, a presentation on Seedminer's technical aspects [can be found here.]


OOjs UI icon information-progressive.svg If BFM is inaccessible or you encounter issues using the site, join our Discord server and ask for help.

All systems that can access the HOME Menu and either add a friend or create Miis can use Seedminer, but which methods are available will depend on your system's ability to add friends and whether you can access BFM.
The potential outcomes are as follows:

See the seedminer page to use BFM and automatically mine your movable.sed.

If BFM is down, check this section.
If BFM says it could not process your request, read this section for more information.

If BFM is up but you wish to try manual mining anyway, see here.

OOjs UI icon information-progressive.svg Try another wireless connection or get closer to your router. If you can use it, BFM is significantly easier.
If you have an already-hacked 3DS on hand, see here to dump your LFCS and mine it yourself.
If you do not have this, you will need to do Mii Mining instead.

See here to do an altered version of the manual process.

How it works

Movable security characteristics

The movable.sed is a system-unique encryption key for the 3DS. It is supposed to have 128 bits of random encryption, which would be impossible to bruteforce - but due to various flaws with Nintendo reusing code, the number of possible values is ~2^40 instead of 2^128, a decrease of 2^22 (1 trillion trillion, or 70%) from expected.
This is due to half of movable.sed being created from the LFCS (Local Friend Code Seed), a file which any hacked system that has the target 3DS as a friend can dump, and another quarter being mathematically related to the LFCS, which makes it very easy to bruteforce quickly.
If the system cannot add friends, a Mii QR code also has some of this information. However, the smaller amount of info means the LFCS must also be bruteforced, which takes a significant amount of extra time.

Mining the movable

If you can obtain the LFCS, needing to mine only ~30% of the potential 2^128 values makes it easy to bruteforce with almost any dedicated GPU, even extremely old models such as an Nvidia GTX 760. Integrated graphics are not powerful enough, however, and may take multiple hours.
If you cannot obtain the LFCS, Mii Mining takes significantly longer (up to 2 hours, depending on GPU strength) since it must also bruteforce the full LFCS before it can bruteforce the random values. Attempting to use integrated graphics for this method may result in it taking upwards of a day.
Once created, the movable.sed created can be used for nearly all purposes, but some of the data is ignored for bruteforcing - as such, it is not recommended to inject a bruteforced movable into your NAND, though it will not brick your system.

Automation and optimization

it is within bruteforcing territory - with optimizations and volunteers, the process can be entirely automated with mining times of 5 minutes or less. [Bruteforce Movable] is a working implementation of this, and is the method used for Seedminer in our guide.

How to mine for others on BFM

Go to the seedminer website and read the "Mine for BruteforceMovable" header if you want to volunteer some of your GPU power for mining others' movables.


System issues

If your system is altered in certain ways, you will be unable to follow one or more of the Seedminer methods, as follows:

  • If your console has no Friend Code, you will need to do Mii Mining.
  • If your system is unable to use Wi-Fi, you will need a second, already-hacked 3DS to follow Manual Mining. If you do not have this, you will need to do Mii Mining.

Consoles made in 2011

If your console is a launch model o3DS (made in 2011), its movable.sed will be made 'correctly' and cannot be mined. These consoles cannot use any Seedminer method.
Any system that has received a system transfer from a launch model will also be unmineable, but will become mineable again after a system format. If your console appears to be impossible to mine, either do a system format first or look into an alternate exploit path.
For alternate paths, kartdlphax and ntrboot are both viable options, but if you cannot do either of these without significant extra effort, also check if you have the resources for one of these paths.

BFM connectivity and uptime

Although BFM is generally very stable, it requires your computer to be able to connect to either or If BFM is down, your connection is too unstable/slow, or an internet block is disabling access to both of these websites, then join our Discord server for help.